En-Turf is a microbial inoculant optimized for turfgrass.


En-Turf is a turfgrass bundle of our En-Guard and En-Fix microbial inoculants.
Promotes plant growth and pathogen resistance. Endophytes work to enhance the plant’s natural processes and provide a “vaccine-like” effect.
Promotes nitrogen-fixation, converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. En-Fix is an alternative to chemical fertilizer.
To get full details, schedule a call.
What Our Clients Say

— Desert Horizons
“There was a visual difference after the first month of applications. I also can see a measurable difference in the EVI scans from our satellite observation program.”
You can read more about Desert Horizons and other golf course trials in our Annual Turf Report



— The Oaks Golf & Country Club
“The whole area looks great, especially after the 3-week drought. There is no dollar spot activity, which is great because usually, by mid-June there is a flair-up”
You can read more about The Oaks Golf & Country Club and other golf course trials in our Annual Turf Report