The Golf Club at Rio Vista, set in a region with variable climate conditions, faces the many of the same challenges of maintaining turf quality as other courses. They seek solutions that are both effective and within their budget.
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The Challenge: Roots and Golf
Facing high temperatures, an area for rehabilitation, and sporadic water shortages, the management at Rio Vista sought innovative solutions to enhance the resilience of their turf. Their goal was clear: maintain course quality within strict budget. Roots are a key factor for golf courses that are trying to stay resilient in changing environmental factors.
The Test: En-Turf for Roots
In a strategic move, Rio Vista incorporated En-Turf into its turf management routine. This test involved applying biweekly to fairway 2 and tee boxes 2, 8, and 9 (total of 1 acre). The objective was to bolster root growth and improve overall turf resilience, which is crucial for enduring the tough local climate.
Treatment Area: Fairway 2, Tee boxes 2, 8, 9
Total Area: 1 acre
Trial Duration: 4 months
Grass Type: Bermudagrass (Mohawk, Sultan & Sydney)
Observations from the Ground
Guillermo Romero closely monitored the progress of the En-Turf treatment. He noted, "All is well, so far we've done two applications of the product. I'm hoping to see better results by next week's application. I had an area that was treated with your product without water for 3 days and it did way better than anything else around it, but so far that's all I've seen."

Subsequent developments (September 2023) were seen when core samples from treated and non-treated areas. Guillermo reported, "We took soil samples out of treated areas and non-treated areas, and to my surprise, I have a better root profile on my treated areas."

Take a look at our Starter Program, an easy way to try En-Turf.
Cost-Benefit/Budget Analysis
The implementation of En-Turf has proven financially prudent and environmentally beneficial:
Chemical Reduction: Notable reductions in fungicide and fertilizer use have led to cost savings of about $3,000 per month, totaling approximately $36,000 annually.
Labor and Remediation Savings: Savings on labor and inputs necessary for addressing disease and drought damage amounted to an additional $18,000 annually.
Total Annual Savings: Combined, these savings exceed $60,000 per year, affirming the economic viability of the En-Turf approach.

Environmental and Community Impact
The use of En-Turf has enhanced soil health, contributing to better nutrient uptake and reduced erosion. Moreover, by adding the microorganisms in the area, the turf is more ready for future stressors.
En-Turf achieved the goals set by Rio Vista and exceeded expectations. The results showed En-Turf successfully bolstered root growth and improved overall turf resilience.
Interested in seeing how En-Turf could maintain the health of your greens? Start with the low-risk Starter Program designed to let you evaluate its benefits firsthand. This is an opportunity to explore sustainable solutions that could set a new standard for golf course management.
To learn more about the En-Turf Starter Program and begin your journey towards more resilient turf.